Corporate Governance

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NameThe Audit CommitteeCompensation CommitteeMain academic experience
Gao ZhiqianCommittee memberconvenerMaster of Accounting, Zhongyuan University, Certified Public Accountant
Lin ZhizhongconvenerCommittee memberSoochow University Law Institute Practicing Accountant, Practicing Lawyer
Li JianmingCommittee memberCommittee memberProfessor, Institute of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, National Taipei University

The audit committee aims to assist the board of directors in supervising the quality and integrity of the company's implementation of accounting, auditing, financial reporting procedures and financial control.

The matters considered by the audit committee mainly include:

(1) Establish or amend the internal control system in accordance with Article 14-1 of the Securities and Exchange Law.

(2) Evaluation of the effectiveness of the internal control system.

(3) In accordance with the provisions of Article 36 of the Securities and Exchange Act, stipulate or amend the processing procedures for major financial business activities of acquiring or disposing of assets, engaging in derivative commodity transactions, fund lending to others, endorsing or providing guarantees for others.

(4) Matters involving the director's own interests.

(5) Major asset or derivative product transactions.

(6) Significant fund loans, endorsements or guarantees.

(7) Raising, issuing or private placement of equity securities.

(8) Appointment, dismissal or remuneration of certified public accountants.

(9) Appointment and removal of financial, accounting or internal audit supervisors.

(10) Annual financial report and semi-annual financial report.

(11) Other major matters stipulated by the company or the competent authority

The company’s audit committee (non-mandatory in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Act 14-4) was established on October 31, 2012, with 3 members. The term of office of the current members: July 07, 2021 to July 6, 2024, as of Currently, members are present as non-voting delegates:
NameActual number of seats (B)Number of delegates attendedNumber of seats (arranged) (A)Actual attendance rate% (B/A)Remark
Gao Zhiqian81988.89
Lin Zhizhong9-9100.00
Li Jianming81988.89

The company’s board of directors passed the "Regulations for the Salary and Compensation Committee" on April 30, 2013, and its responsibilities are as follows:

With the attention of good managers, faithfully perform the following functions and powers, and submit the suggestions to the board of directors for discussion. However, the salary and remuneration proposals of the audit committee members are submitted to the board of directors for discussion, and the salary and remuneration of the audit committee members are specified by the company's articles of association or the board of directors is authorized by the resolution of the shareholders meeting:

(1) The policies, systems, standards and structure of the performance evaluation and remuneration of audit committee members and managers.

(2) Regularly assess and determine the remuneration of directors, audit committee members and managers.

The salary and compensation committee of the company was established on April 30, 102, with 3 members

The term of office of the current members: July 07, 2021 to July 06, 2024. Up to now, the membership status is as follows:
NameActual number of seats (B)Number of delegates attendedNumber of seats (arranged) (A)Actual attendance rate% (B/A)Remark
Gao Zhiqian5-5100.00-
Lin Zhizhong5-5100.00-
Li Jianming41580.00-

Compensation Committee Meeting Information:

The salary and remuneration committee of the company has held meetings, reviewed and evaluated the company's salary and remuneration information in the last year as follows:

Compensation Committee

meeting date

Contents of the motionResolution result

company for members

Handling of Opinions


1. 2021 Remuneration of employees and directors

2. Promote the company’s associate-level supervisor to senior deputy general manager

Unanimously approved by all the members in attendanceSubmitted to the Board of Directors for approval by all the directors in attendance
2022/8/251. The remuneration of directorsUnanimously approved by all the members in attendanceSubmitted to the Board of Directors for approval by all the directors in attendance

1. 2021 Remuneration of management

2. The bonus of management

Unanimously approved by all the members in attendanceSubmitted to the Board of Directors for approval by all the directors in attendance
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