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GRI reference table

General Disclosures

  • GRI 101: Foundation 2016 (GRI 101 does not include any disclosures) )

  • GRI 102: General Disclosure 2016

    Organizational profile
    Disclosure numberDisclosureChapterPage
    102-1Name of the organizationCompany Overview


    102-2Activities, brands, products, and servicesCompany Overview
    102-3Location of headquartersCompany Overview
    102-4Location of operationsCompany Overview
    102-5Ownership and legal formCompany Overview
    102-6Markets servedCompany Overview
    102-7Scale of the organization

    Company Overview

    Chapter 1: Corporate Governance -Financial Performance



    102-8Information on employees and other workersChapter 2: Employee Overview
    102-9Supply chainChapter 4:Policies for Sustainable Management of Suppliers- Supplier Management System
    102-10Significant changes to the organization and its supply chainNo significant changes within the reporting scope
    102-11Precautionary Principle or approach

    Company Overview Chapter 1: Corporate Governance - Risk Management

    102-12External initiativesMonte Jade Science and Technology Association of Taiwan、Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association、Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers Association、Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry、Taipei Computer Association、Taiwan Mold & Die Industry Association、Sinocon Foundation! Taiwan Inc.、Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)"

    Membership of associations

    Monte Jade Science and Technology Association of Taiwan、Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association、Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers Association、Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry、Taipei Computer Association、Taiwan Mold & Die Industry Association、Sinocon Foundation! Taiwan Inc.、Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)"

    Disclosure numberDisclosureChapterPage
    102-14Statement from senior decision-makerStatement from our Chairman

    Ethics and integrity
    Disclosure numberDisclosureChapterPage
    102-16Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviorChapter 1:Corporate Integrity-Group Code of Conduct

    Disclosure numberDisclosureChapterPage
    102-18Governance structure

    Company Overview Chapter 1: Corporate Governance - Group Structure and the Board of Directors

    Chapter 1: Corporate Social Responsibility

    Stakeholder engagement
    Disclosure numberDisclosureChapterPage
    102-40List of stakeholder groupsChapter 1: Corporate Social Responsibility

    Collective bargaining agreements

    Chapter 2: Communication and Protection of Employee Rights –Protection of Employee Rights

    102-42Identifying and selecting stakeholders

    Chapter 1: Stakeholder Communication and Responsibilities


    Approach to stakeholder engagement

    Chapter 1: Stakeholder Communication and Responsibilities


    Key topics and concerns raised

    Chapter 1: Stakeholder Communication and Responsibilities

    Reporting practice
    Disclosure numberDisclosureChapterPage

    Entities included in the consolidated financial statements

    Chapter 1: Corporate Governance -Financial Performance

    2020 Annual Report


    Defining report content and topic Boundaries

    About this Report

    Chapter 1: Stakeholder Communication and Responsibilities


    List of material topics

    Chapter 1: Stakeholder Communication and Responsibilities


    Restatements of information

    No restatements of information

    102-49Changes in reportingChapter 1: Stakeholder Communication and Responsibilities

    Reporting period

    About this Report


    Date of most recent report

    About this Report


    Reporting cycle

    About this Report


    Contact point for questions regarding the report

    About this Report


    Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

    About this Report

    GRI content index
    Disclosure numberDisclosureChapterPage
    102-55GRI content index

    Appendix I. GRI Standard Reference

    External assurance

    Disclosure numberDisclosureChapterPage

    External assurance

    Appendix II. Independent Verification Statement

8 Major Issues Disclosures

  • Financial Performance

    GRI Guidelinesreveal projectCorresponding Chapter/Descriptionpage number
    GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

    103-1 Explain material themes and their boundaries

    103-2 Management policy and its elements

    103-3 Evaluation of management policy

    Chapter 1 Sustainable Governance

    Chapter 1 Identification, Communication and Responsibilities of Stakeholders - Scope of Material Issues and Substantive Analysis and Confirmation

    GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed by the organizationChapter 1 Corporate Governance - Financial Performance

  • Corporate Governance and Risk Management

    GRI Guidelinesreveal projectCorresponding Chapter/Descriptionpage number
    GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

    103-1 Explain material themes and their boundaries

    103-2 Management policy and its elements

    103-3 Evaluation of management policy

    Chapter 1 Sustainable Governance

    Chapter 1 Identification, Communication and Responsibilities of Stakeholders - Scope of Material Issues and Substantive Analysis and Confirmation

  • Occupational Health and Safety

    GRI Guidelinesreveal projectCorresponding Chapter/Descriptionpage number
    GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

    103-1 Explain material themes and their boundaries

    103-2 Management policy and its elements

    103-3 Evaluation of management policy

    Chapter 3 Health and Safety

    Chapter 1 Identification, Communication and Responsibilities of Stakeholders - Scope of Material Issues and Substantive Analysis and Confirmation

    GRI 403: Occupational Safety and Health 2018403-1 Occupational Safety and Health Management System

    Chapter 3 Health and Safety

    Chapter III Occupational Safety and Health

    403-2 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Accident Investigation

    Chapter III Occupational Safety and Health - Safety Audit Risk Identification

    Chapter 3 Occupational Safety and Health - Safety and Health Training and Drills

    Employees are free to leave work conditions that they believe may result in injury or illness without disciplinary action.

    403-3 Occupational Health Services

    Chapter 3 Occupational Safety and Health - Safety Audit Risk Identification Chapter 3 Employee Health Promotion - Health Promotion Activities

    403-4 Worker participation, consultation and communication on occupational safety and healthChapter III Occupational Safety and Health
    403-5 Worker training on occupational safety and healthChapter 3 Occupational Safety and Health - Safety and Health Training and Drills
    403-6 Worker Health PromotionChapter 3 Employee Health Promotion
    403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational safety and health impacts directly linked to business relationships

    Chapter III Occupational Safety and Health - Safety Audit Risk Identification

    Chapter 3 Occupational Safety and Health - Safety Innovation and Improvement Project

    403-8 Workers covered by occupational safety and health management systemsChapter III Occupational Safety and Health

  • Integrity management and compliance with laws and regulations

    GRI Guidelinesreveal project

    Corresponding Chapter/Description

    page number
    GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

    103-1 Explain material themes and their boundaries

    103-2 Management policy and its elements

    103-3 Evaluation of management policy

    Chapter 1 Sustainable Governance - Management Policy on Major Issues

    Chapter 1 Identification, Communication and Responsibilities of Stakeholders - Scope of Material Issues and Substantive Analysis and Confirmation

    GRI 205: Anti-Corruption 2016

    205-3 Confirmed corruption incidents and actions takenChapter 1 Integrity Management
    GRI 206: Anti-Competitive Conduct 2016206-1 Legal Actions for Anti-Competitive, Anti-Trust and Monopolistic PracticesChapter 1 Integrity Management
    GRI 307: Compliance with Environmental Protection 2016

    307-1 Violation of environmental regulations

    Chapter V Environmental Management System

  • Innovative research and development

    GRI Guidelines

    reveal projectCorresponding Chapter/Descriptionpage number
    GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

    103-1 Explain material themes and their boundaries

    103-2 Management policy and its elements

    103-3 Evaluation of management policy

    Chapter 1 Sustainable Governance - Management Policy on Major Issues

    Chapter 1 Identification, Communication and Responsibilities of Stakeholders - Scope of Material Issues and Substantive Analysis and Confirmation

  • climate change response

    GRI Guidelinesreveal projectCorresponding Chapter/Descriptionpage number
    GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

    103-1 Explain material themes and their boundaries

    103-2 Management policy and its elements

    103-3 Comments on management policies

    Chapter V Environment-Material Issues Management Policy

    Chapter 1 Identification, Communication and Responsibilities of Stakeholders - Scope of Material Issues and Substantive Analysis and Confirmation

    GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016201-2 Financial Impacts and Other Risks and Opportunities of Climate Change

    Chapter 5 Climate Change

  • Supplier management

    GRI Guidelinesreveal projectCorresponding Chapter/Descriptionpage number
    GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

    103-1 Explain material themes and their boundaries

    103-2 Management policy and its elements

    103-3 Evaluation of management policy

    Chapter 4 Supplier Management - Management Policy on Material Issues

    Chapter 1 Identification, Communication and Responsibilities of Stakeholders - Scope of Material Issues and Substantive Analysis and Confirmation

    GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016308-1 Screening new suppliers using environmental criteriaChapter 4 Supplier Sustainability Management Policy - Supply Chain Management Policy and Process
    GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016414-1 New suppliers screened using social criteriaChapter 4 Supplier Sustainability Management Policy - Supply Chain Management Policy and Process
  • Employee Rights and Diversity and Equality

    GRI Guidelines

    reveal projectCorresponding Chapter/Descriptionpage number
    GRI 103: Management Approach 2016

    103-1 Explain material themes and their boundaries

    103-2 Management policy and its elements

    103-3 Evaluation of management policy

    Chapter II Employees

    Chapter 1 Identification, Communication and Responsibilities of Stakeholders - Scope of Material Issues and Substantive Analysis and Confirmation

    GRI 412: Human Rights Assessment 2016412-1 Operational activities subject to human rights inspection or human rights impact assessmentChapter 2 Rights Protection and Communication - Human Rights Policy

United Nation Global Compact Comparison Table

  • human rights

    Businesses should support and respect internationally recognized human rights
    The Group supports and respects internationally recognized human rights. With reference to the RBA Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Labour Organization (ILO), etc., it formulates the Hon Hai Foxconn Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility Code of Conduct, and discloses policies to protect labor rights. , uphold the human rights of employees, and treat them with dignity and respect. At the same time, the Supplier Code of Conduct for Social and Environmental Responsibility requires suppliers to protect the human rights of their employees.

    Guarantee not to be complicit in human rights abuses
    The Group is determined not to join forces with those who violate human rights. Therefore, the Group has established a management process for suppliers' responsible mineral procurement and issued the "Group Responsible Mineral Procurement Statement". As a member of the RMI (Responsible Mineral Initiative) organization, the Group requires new suppliers to sign and commit to abide by the Group's Responsible Mineral Procurement Policy and submit relevant reports in order to be eligible to become the Group's qualified suppliers. Since then, due diligence of suppliers will be carried out on a regular basis.
  • labor standards

    Businesses should support freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
    The Group supports freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. In order to protect the freedom of association of employees, the Group clearly states the rights of employees in the employee handbook, and also requires that it is also included in the "Offer of the Group Trade Union Confederation to Conduct Collective Negotiation" and the "Reply Letter on the Issue of Collective Negotiation with the Group Trade Union Confederation". Set out the relevant provisions for consultation and negotiation. At the same time, the Supplier Code of Conduct for Social and Environmental Responsibility requires suppliers to respect the rights of all workers to voluntarily form and join trade unions, conduct collective bargaining and peaceful assembly, and refuse to participate in such activities.

    Eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labor
    The Group supports the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor and the integration of forced labor into recruitment principles and practices. At the same time, the Group also requires suppliers not to employ forced, bondage (including debt bondage) or indentured labor, involuntary or exploitative prison labor, slavery or human trafficking in the Supplier Code of Conduct for Social and Environmental Responsibility .

    Effectively abolish child labor
    The Group supports the effective abolition of child labor and integrates the prohibition of child labor into the principles and work of talent recruitment. At the same time, the Group also requires suppliers not to employ child labor in the "Suppliers' Code of Conduct for Social and Environmental Responsibility".

    Eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation
    Elimination of Discrimination in Employment and Occupation The Group supports the elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation, does not discriminate against employees or discriminate in any form due to any factor, and promises that all employees will be free from harassment and illegal discrimination. The Code of Conduct for Social and Environmental Responsibility requires suppliers to commit to providing a workplace free from harassment and unlawful discrimination for all employees.
  • environment

    Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
    The Group supports the use of preventive methods to deal with environmental challenges. The Group will evaluate various environmental considerations and their environmental impacts, and compare their severity and other factors for comprehensive evaluation to ensure that major potential factors are found in advance, and then improvement measures and operating procedures are formulated to reduce Prevent significant potential impacts. At the same time, the Group also requires suppliers to minimize the impact on the environment and natural resources while protecting public health and safety in the "Suppliers' Code of Conduct for Social and Environmental Responsibility".

    Take initiatives to promote more environmentally responsible practices
    The Group supports initiatives to promote more environmentally responsible practices, so all activities undertaken by the Group will be environmentally oriented, identifying and minimising environmental impacts in order to reduce adverse impacts on the environment. At the same time, the Group also requires suppliers to take measures to reduce or eliminate environmental pollution from the source in the "Suppliers' Code of Conduct for Social and Environmental Responsibility".

    Encourage the development and promotion of environmentally friendly technologies
    The Group encourages the development and promotion of environment-friendly technologies. In addition to strictly controlling the raw materials of suppliers to comply with environmental regulations, the Group also pays attention to product environmental protection in terms of product design from the source, adhering to the concept of green design, and strives to minimize the impact of products on the environment.
  • anti-corruption

    Businesses should work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery
    The Group will prohibit all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery, with a zero tolerance policy for any conduct or activity that violates the rules. At the same time, the Group also stipulates in the "Supplier Social and Environmental Responsibility Code of Conduct" that any and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement are prohibited by suppliers.

External assurance

  • external assurance/assurance

    GRI Guidelinesreveal projectCorresponding Chapter/Descriptionpage number
    102-56external assurance/assuranceAppendix II. Third Party External Assurance
  • ESON headquarters:No. 88, Yuanfeng Rd., KSND. Kunshan City, Jiangsu, China

  • Branch: Taiwan / Subsidiary: Wuxi, Yantai, Dongguan, Slovakia, Mexico, Vietnam, Malaysia First Plant, Malaysia Second Plant

  • +86-512-57572938

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